Commonwealth NGOs
related to forestry

bullet1 MALAYSIA

bullet2 Environment Protection Society Malaysia

P.O.Box 382,46740 Petaling Jaya

Jalan Sultan Post Office





Type:  NGO   

Scope:  national   

Interest in Forestry:  peripheral


The Environment Protection Society Malaysia (EPSM) was founded at a public meeting by a group of concerned Malaysians in response to the concerns raised at the 1972 "UN Conference on the Human Environment" (Stockholm).


The objectives of the Society are:

* To prevent environmental deterioration as a result of human activities

* To control human activities that contribute towards deterioration of our environment

* To initiate measures for the improvement of our environment

* To increase public awareness about the state of our environment


The following are the major activities of the EPSM:

* Education and awareness raising and capacity building especially in relation to "sustainable development"

* Issues related to urban environment and urban governance, especially through the promotion of "Local Agenda 21"

* Climate change

* Corporate Governance - GRI

* Campaign and Advocacy Issues