Commonwealth NGOs
related to forestry

bullet1 INDIA

bullet2 Ecological Society

1 B Abhimanshree Society

off Pashan Road,

Pune 41008





Type:  Research NGO   

Scope:  national   

Interest in Forestry:  peripheral


Human activities affect ecology .Historically human civilizations have destroyed forests, ravaged mountain slopespolluted water & air-and have perished as a consequence .Even to-day our development plans directed to enhance the economic well-being of our peopleaffect the drastically modify ecology, mostly in an adverse manner, and as a consequence imperil our own lives.

Howeververy few of us realize that development plans which neglect ecologycan prove disastrous in the long run. Through researchthe Ecological Society will endeavor to study the impact of developmental activities on ecologythrough education, the Society will try to make people aware of the implication of these adverse effects, and through field projects, will set up model units where economics planning and ecological conservation complement each other to better the lot of the people. While research projects undertaken by the Society will cover both rural and urban areas, the model units proposed to be set up will be based in rural and semi-urban areas .The thrust of the Society`s demonstration work will thereforebe concentrated in the rural and the so called backward areas of our country.


In 1989 the Society embarked upon its first countrywide project to assess the status of the largest flying bird in the world, the Sarus Crane. The project involved the study o an and bird inter relationship and after a very extensive survey of continental and eastern India, the Society made its report to the Wildlife Department of the Ministry of Environment and Forests, New Delhi. It highlighted the sad part that the Sarus had disappeared from many regions of its former range.


The Society launched out to ‘rediscover’ the Black necked Crane, as a wintering species in India at the insistence of Central Ministry of Env. and forests. It turned out to be a four-year marathon, the final two years being at the Society’s own meagre resources. The Society was rewarded when it indeed did rediscover this rare highland crane as a wintering

species in India after a gap of about 35 years.


The Society took up the challenge of drafting an eco-development plan for one of the most sensitive watersheds in our state of Maharashtra, namely, the catchments area of Panshet dam. A two-year socio-economic and ecological survey of the area preceded the drafting of the plan. The plan was acclaimed by the central Ministry of Env. and the Planning Dept. of the Government for envisaging conservation of water in the hill areas, development of the natural resources of the hills and wildlife conservation.


The Society began its work by drafting a development plan to improve the river course of Pune city. Pune’s twin rivers carry an enormous load of sewage, industrial effluents and other urban waste. It was a challenge to

improve the water quality, clean the surroundings, rehabilitate the riverine life such as plants, fish and birds and still retain the uses to which the urban population require the river water. Drafter in 1982, this was

probably the first river improvement plan in India.

Other projects include conservation of biodiversity, environmental improvement of dams, canals and reservoirs, cost effective method of afforestation and training of the armed forces for environmental improvement of their surroundings.