Commonwealth NGOs
related to forestry

bullet1 MALAWI

bullet2 Wildlife and Environmental Society of Malawi

Private Bag 578





Type:  NGO   

Scope:  national   

Interest in Forestry:  peripheral


The Wildlife and Environmental Society of Malawi is dedicated to conservation of natures resources, including land, forestry, animals, bird-life, flora and fauna, rivers and lakes. We create and assist with educational projects, especially with the young in order to bring about a greater and deeper understanding of the importance of the environment in which we live.

We arrange interesting monthly talks and presentations on topical subjects. We employ Scouts and pay snare bounties in the battle against poachers. We have bird walks, and field activities as well as social events for our members. We try to guard against the far reaching adverse effects of mans actions on the environment by watching developments and ensuring that planned projects are subject to proper EIA`s, [Environmental Impact Assessments]. We act proactively against poaching, deforestation, and destruction of resources.

Mission Statement:  To promote full public participation in the wise management of wildlife, natural resources and the environment.

Objectives:  To create an awareness and action on environmental issues at all levels of society

* To influence government policy and action in areas of community participation, environmental education and the management of natural resources

* To establish and maintain good working relationships with local and international non governmental organisations, regional and international wildlife societies, and other relevant bodies. did not work