Commonwealth NGOs
related to forestry

bullet1 JAMAICA

bullet2 Caribbean Coastal Area Management Foundation

P.O. Box 33

Lionel Town, Clarendon




Type:  NGO   

Scope:  national   

Interest in Forestry:  peripheral


The Caribbean Coastal Area Management [CCAM] Foundation believes the planet Earth to be a composite living system requiring certain conditions to sustain man in an optimal environment. Mankind is recognized as the ruling element in this living system and therefore has a natural duty of care to manage the system in a way which guides its evolution along the road of sustainable development. Humanity has been challenged to bring the Earth to its maximum realizable potential. Mankind must respect the integrity of the living system which is the planet Earth; in a real sense the Earth has rights. The rights of humans should not supersede Earth rights, but rather, be aligned and in balance with them to ensure the survival, diversity, sustainability and harmony of the planet. The pursuit of profit and the right of man to procreate does not supercede the right of the Earth to remain in biodiversity and free of danger from pollution.


A socio-biosphere is a defined geographical area of land, water and atmosphere containing human, animal and plant organisms which function as balanced and sustainable interractive socio-ecosystems. Socio-biospheres should function harmoniously with adjacent socio-biospheres.

The fundamental concept of a wildlife refuge or ecological sanctuary is that natural areas with their flora and fauna should be set apart from human society and economy. Humans who visit to watch or study are at best tolerated; they are considered an intrusion.

The fundamental concept of a nature park is that natural areas are set apart and managed for humans to visit. The focus is on the natural beauty of the park and its creatures. Humans are welcome, but nothing is to be taken but photographs, nothing is to be left but footprints.

Areas where humans live and work are not usually considered suitable for environmental conservation and protection. Some wildlife [e.g. crocodiles, snakes] are considered an intrusion into cities and towns with their residential, industrial and commercial centres; others [e.g. crows and hawks] are pests in rural areas with their agricultural and pastoral focus. Settlement [e.g. housing, roadbuilding] and extractive activity [e.g. mining, tree cutting] are often seen as antithetical to environmental concerns.

The website does not seem to be working- the one listed contains info and a link to the official website that is not working.