Commonwealth NGOs
related to forestry


bullet2 Small Woods Association

The Old Bakery


Shropshire SY5 0RR




Type:  NGO   

Scope:  national   

Interest in Forestry:  central


The Small Woods Association is a UK wide charity which aims to stimulate best practice in woodland management by organising conferences and events, by networking and promoting initiatives.

We have a broad membership of people interested in the care of small woods including woodland owners, managers and users. Why not join us!

Our quarterly magazine, 'Smallwoods', informs readers of the latest news, developments, techniques and policies influencing woodlands, as well as providing a stream of case studies and tips for members to enjoy and employ.  

We were originally founded in 1988 under the name of the National Small Woods Association. Our mission is to encourage the care and enjoyment of small woodlands.

We are a focus for various woodland initiatives. To harness the work of regional projects Small Woods Association manages the Woodland Initiatives Register. With its own website and interactive database, the Woodland Initiatives Register acts as a pool of information for practitioners to share, and directs the public to local projects.