Commonwealth NGOs
related to forestry


bullet2 Scottish Forestry Trust

59 George Street

Edinburgh, EH2 2JG




Type:  NGO   

Scope:  local   

Interest in Forestry:  central


The Scottish Forestry Trust is the leading Charitable Trust providing funds for research, education and training in support of the British Forestry industry.

     The Scottish Forestry Trust was established in 1983 by the gifting of the share capital held by Timber Growers Scotland in Scottish Woodland Owners Association (Commercial) Ltd to the Trust.

     The Scottish Forestry Trust is an independent registered charity - Scottish Charity No. SCO08465

     The Trust has assets of approximately £2 million, but the annual return on the investments does vary and we can only support a proportion of some of the very worthwhile applications received.

     John Kissock OBE is Chairman of the Trust and there are nine other Trustees. Bob Stubbs is employed as Director on a part-time basis.

     There are three Trustees meetings per year and three additional meetings of the Projects and Research Committee.

What We Do...

The Trust assists with enhancing British forestry knowledge

     The Trust supports research, education and training in forestry throughout Great Britain.

     Forestry includes its contribution to landscape, recreation, wildlife, environment, and sustaining broader rural development.

     The Trust normally has a budget of £60,000 to £80,000 per annum to provide funding for projects, depending on our returns from investments.

     The Trustees keep a close watch on research needs and priorities in forestry in Britain and offer the Trust's services to other organisations or individuals to help identify and monitor projects