Commonwealth NGOs
related to forestry


bullet2 National Urban Forestry Unit

The Science Park

Stafford Road

Wolverhampton WV10 9RT




Type:  NGO   

Scope:  national   

Interest in Forestry:  central


National Urban Forestry Unit

Urban forestry is the planting and management of all trees and woodland in towns and cities. The urban forest is made up of all the trees and woods in towns and cities. It is the collective term for all the individual trees in streets, gardens and parks as well as existing woodland, areas of natural regeneration and new planting. Trees in towns can help to improve the quality of life in a number of ways: they make a major contribution to sustainable development. Greener towns and cities are also more attractive and so trees are an important aid to urban regeneration.

The UK`s National Urban Forestry Unit was set up in 1995. It is a charitable organisation which works to raise awareness of the positive contribution that trees make to the quality of life in towns.