Commonwealth NGOs
related to forestry


bullet2 Community Woodlands Association

17 St Valery Place

Ullapool, Ross-shire

IV26 2TD




Type:  NGO   

Scope:  local   

Interest in Forestry:  central


Our aim is to help community woodlands across the country achieve their aspirations and potential, by supporting, representing and promoting community woodlands both in the corridors of power, and "on the ground".

Recreation - providing wide-ranging opportunities for outdoor recreation, from informal paths and "all-ability" facilities to mountain bike trails and orienteering courses;

Biodiversity - restoring and expanding native woodlands, and carrying out habitat improvement within other forest types, to conserve and enhance Scotland's biodiversity;

Rural development - increasing the value of forestry to local communities, creating jobs and developing local processing and markets for timber and non-timber forest products;

Renewable energy - developing local supply chains and markets for woodfuel, to help reduce our dependence on fossil fuels and support sustainable forest management;

Social inclusion - involving all sections of the community in planning and decision-making, and ensuring that the benefits of community woodlands are available to all;