Commonwealth NGOs
related to forestry


bullet2 Allotment Forestry Project

2 Five Acres Holbrook Ipswich

IP9 2QESuffolk




Type:  NGO   

Scope:  national   

Interest in Forestry:  central


Allotment Forestry is a term we originally coined to describe the small scale growing of beanpoles but have subsequently used to describe the growing, management and use of 'micro' woodlands; individual trees, hedges and small woodlands, to produce all types of wood products. Some aspects of Allotment Forestry are well developed, such as Garden and Allotment scale Fruit tree growing. Other aspects are poorly developed and there is a need to encourage these. This has not always been the case and for many centuries Allotment Forestry was a common practice and shaped distinctive landscapes still enjoyed today. Revitalising the traditions of Allotment Forestry is one way of using 'micro woodlands' and the individual tree in promoting truly sustainable lifestyles in towns and cities today.


The high cost of land in our towns and cities means that most new urban woodlands will be small. The traditions of allotment scale forestry in the British Countryside shows us how we can manage these micro-woods in a way that helps protect the worlds forests by increasing our consumption of home grown wood and at the same time as improving our own environment. With very little effort we can all be more self reliant and less wasteful in our use of wood products. In doing so we invest time in the care of our environment from which wildlife, neighbours and the planet all benefit.

The small size of the 'woods' and the expansion of individual opportunities to grow and use or reuse wood may seem small and insignificant but it is the only way most people can get direct involvement in caring for woodlands. As a result their importance as an educational tool for promoting the wider development of the woodland industry is considerable. Allotment Forestry allows us to grow and access a wide variety of forest products at a scale and in a manner suited to the urban environment and to the people of the urban environment!