Commonwealth NGOs
related to forestry

bullet1 MALTA

bullet2 Malta Environment and Planning Authority

P.O. Box 200

Marsa GPO 01




Type:  NGO   

Scope:  national   

Interest in Forestry:  peripheral


Our aim is to pass onto our children a better country than we inherited. It is for this very reason that we compare our environment to a treasure, something we place our energies in, to protect, care for and improve. The environment encompasses all - nature, cultural and architectural heritage, towns and villages, the countryside, the seas and air. We believe that together we should carefully plan so that our heritage, this gem which we treasure, will not fade away.

The Malta Environment & Planning Authority is committed to ensure that land use and the protection of the environment meet the needs of today's society and future communities. We are working to ensure a quality of life that will be in harmony with the our natural, cultural and built environment. In so doing we are seeking to implement sustainable development that safeguard the environment.