Commonwealth NGOs
related to forestry

bullet1 CANADA

bullet2 Ontario Woodlot Association

275 County Road 44, R.R. #4

Kemptville K0G 1J0





Type:  NGO   

Scope:  local   

Interest in Forestry:  central


The OWA promotes the sustainable management of Ontario's privately owned forest by providing our members with guidance and advice, and by representing their interests through a united provincial voice. We are working to ensure that Ontario's privately owned forest will always contribute to the health of our society, our environment and the economy.

Our Goals

We will achieve our Vision and Mission by fulfilling the following goals:

1. Be the principal voice for private forest owners throughout Ontario and work actively to represent their interests before government, the public and the forest industry.

2. Be a key source of information about sustainable forest management and private land ownership and educate OWA members about all aspects of owning and managing forested land.

3. Expand awareness of the importance of sustainable forest management beyond our membership.

4. Monitor and respond to issues that affect privately owned forests

5. Facilitate and influence changes to government policy (e.g., the tax system) to ensure that it is economically viable to own and manage private woodlots and forests.

6. Increase OWA membership and the number of Chapters; also encourage and support Chapter activities.

7. Increase and diversify the OWA's sources of revenue.