Commonwealth NGOs
related to forestry

bullet1 CANADA

bullet2 Council of Haida Nations Forest Guardians

1563 Main St.

P.O. Box 589

Masset, Haida Gwaii V0T 1M0




Type:  NGO   

Scope:  local   

Interest in Forestry:  peripheral


The Council of the Haida Nation was formed in 1974 by a handful of people with a vision to organize Haida people into one political entity. Part of the vision was a clear mandate to settle land claims.

BE IT RESOLVED THAT this Convention direct the Executives in the formulation of a proposal for negotiating a land settlement, the Executive seek the formalization and retention of aboriginal title rather than the surrender of their aboriginal rights forever.

From the minutes of the Council of the Haida Nation, Executive Meeting Saturday, December 7, 1974 Shortly after the inaugural meeting a delegation set out for Ottawa to secure funds for research and claims development.

From those beginnings, and over the past 30 years the CHN has been  addressing the land question and has become a National government enacting legislation and policy affecting many aspects of life on Haida Gwaii. The consolidation of the CHN as a national government has worked hand-in-hand with collective action that Haida have taken to protect culture and ensure that our way of living continues.