Commonwealth NGOs
related to forestry

bullet1 GLOBAL

bullet2 Biofuelwatch

HQ situated in U.K.


Type of NGO:  NGO,

Interest in Forestry: peripheral

Contact method: online email :


Biofuelwatch actively supports the campaign for an EU moratorium on agrofuels from large-scale monocultures. Agroenergy monocultures are linked to accelerated climate change, deforestation, the impoverishment and dispossession of local communities, bio-diversity losses, human rights abuses, water and soil degradation, loss of food sovereignty and food security.

Biofuelwatch is a volunteer-led campaign group which receives no commercial or government funding. The aims of the group are set out in the Biofuelwatch policy below. Anybody who agrees with our aims and who would like to volunteer time for the group or help in any way, please email us at info[at]